Thursday, September 22, 2011


I have so much on my mind but, yet nothing to say...    My blogging hiatus was not planned.  I cant blame it on  an exotic adventure that took precedence.  As a matter of fact,  I found that the longer I stayed away the harder it was to come back.  I wanted something spectacular to show you but, that didn't happen.  I worked on numerous little things over the summer and have no "grand project"  to share with you at this time.  I have about six projects that need a day each to finish.

However, I did focus on something this summer and will share soon, it takes place this weekend and no I am not having a baby!

I also, took a new position at work that is proving to be a challenge.  I use to walk away from work and leave it at the office, now I find that I am bringing it home with me, in my head!  Not bad but, yet it's with me.

Here are a few pictures from our visit up to Minnesota over the 4th of July, to visit with SO's folks...

 SO's dad has a great hobby... wood working.

 I had requested that SO and his dad work on something together.  His dad had most of it together when we got there but, there was plenty of sanding and final assembly.  Isn't it awesome, they used maple.

This is going to be my curio/quilt cabinet....LOVE THIS!!!!

 While the guys were in the wood shop, I played on his mom's mid arm...

I doodled and doodled...  Lots of fun and more practice needed before I attempt a real project.

My reasons/explanations for not blogging only = excuses.  I have missed the quilting communtiy and I am happy to say, I AM BACK!


  1. Wow....what awesome wood work...

  2. I've wondered what hapened to you, and I should have checked up on you. Hope everything is well in your life. Welcome Back! And don't let work take over your life. It will get you nowhere.

  3. Summer always causes me to step back! I would rather be outside! But crafty seems to always come back as the temperatures drop! Glad to see you back!!

  4. Those wood projects are awesome!

    Life gets in the way; we go along the way; we find our way back. Welcome back!

  5. Hi there...welcome back. Gorgeous handiwork going on in the workshop and a lot of fun happening at the quilt frame, too. Who has time to write a blog post when there is so much going on in life?! It's nice to catch up with you, it's been a busy summer here up north - no posts at Stillmeadow in months.
