Thursday, December 2, 2010

Secret Santa Project...FINISHED!!!

For my Secret Santa...

 The Snowman Trio...

I am, done with my Secret Santa project.  It seems like ages, since I have had a "good finish" and this was no exception.  Perhaps that is because I have been working on three of them at the same time.  The other two need buttons and the binding tacked down and they will be done.  One for me, one for my DD, and of course the other is for my Secret Santa.

My Secret Santa turned out to be a "real secret" for me.  A couple months ago, I received the blog address of my Secret Santa (who I have been spying on).  A couple weeks later I received their mailing address.  Well, last night as I was preparing my package I noticed the name on the address and the name of the persons blog were two totally different names, different states, etc.  I sent off an email to Joan and this afternoon she confirmed,  I had two different people!   My Secret Santa was the person who's address I had.  Not, the blog address person,  I had thought.  So, my gift will be going to someone  I didn't "know of"  until today.  The surprise was on me!!!  I think my Secret Santa gift is neutral enough that any quilter would enjoy it... so I am hoping!

If feels good to have a finish and perhaps it will keep me motivate to keep on, keeping on!


  1. Adds another meaning to SECRET! I hope you have my name! I love it!!!

  2. Wow - the secret's on you! I sure wouldn't mind if you had MY name! I saw this pattern at the quilt shop a couple of days ago, but they were out. :-( Great Job!

  3. I love your santa and I'm sure your very secret santa swap mate is just going adore it. What a wonderful tale for the season.

  4. How cute! If your secret santa doesnt like it (which will be impossible), you can most certainly send it my way! :)

  5. OMG...lucky to have had a spare! Adorable!

  6. those are SOOO adorable!!! ive been looking for a snowman project. i just LOVE those.
