Tuesday, May 31, 2011

It was a Nautical & Nice Weekend...

OKAY...FIRST, is there nothing more irritating than when you actually have something to say/share/show and you CAN'T ??? I have been trying since Sunday evening, to post and all it did was sit and spin. It has been such a long dry spell for me, that when I finally have something to share...I am silenced by blogger, GRRR...

Anyhow, I am here now...

I have, had these 4 charms packs of Nautical & Nice that I have been dreaming of cutting into.

Literally playing with time and time again.

I have other things I should be doing BUT, I CAVED TO TEMPTATION!

HST, is was... and LOTS, of them!!!

Then the creativity began. SO, has caught me a good half dozen times playing with them. He, calls them my building blocks! He said had he known how entertaining they were going to be, he would have encouraged me sooner to make them, ha!

It's a toss up between pinwheels and the zig zag.

AND just when I thought I was done trimming up all those HST, I found a hidden pile. At least 50 more blocks which creates 100 more, HST. OH, dear!


  1. PINWHEELS!!! They are just lovely! I love Nautical & Nice.

  2. I like the up and down zig zag!! You are brave to do that many pinwheels!! grrrr matching points!! hehe
